Chairman ISCC's Views on Super-Cricket
It is a matter of great satisfaction, achievement and joy for the all Non-Olympic Sports worldwide and international & national non-olympic federations, sports personalities, players, officials and lovers of the games of the world that the International Super-Cricket Committee (ISCC) has been formed in India on October 14th 2004 for development, upliftment, recognition and popularization of all Non-Olympic Sports in all over the world with the objective to support financially to all non-olympic sports worldwie under the aegis of the INOC-Charter.
The ISCC has been introduced and will be managed by the INOC, the ISCC has been in touched with sports personalities and non-olympic sports federations and other sports organizations at the international level to assist and start formations of National Super-Cricket Federations (NSCFs) not only in their respective countries but also all over the world. Many countries have been already making sincere efforts in this direction. After confirmation of the ISCC many countries are in the process to form National Super-Cricket Federations (NSCFs) for the purpose.
The funds generated by the ISCC, the INOC will invest 75% of the total for the promotion of all non-olympic sports worldwide under the aegis of the INOC-Charter through its national non-olympic committees.
It is further a matter of great cheer that by a general consensus all the non-olympic sports, all non-olympic federations, sports personalities, players and experts from all fields have agreed to make under an International Super-Cricket Forum to promote super-cricket and all non-olympic sports's mission.
The super-cricket game will guarantee full co-operation in helping sports to develop its social impact and particularly its educational role under the aegis of the ISCC & INOC.
This is running out to give the first generation of the 21st century living conditions, which are adapted to the rapid evolution in technology. It is everyone's interest to make sure that sport holds its place in the education of children and young people, that it continues to foster the blooming of healthy adults, and to preserve their health as they grow old.
Super-cricket game enhances relation between communities. In safeguarding equality and democracy in competitions at all levels-with the ISCC Super-Cricket World Cup, the ISCC Champions Trophy, ISCC Women World Cup and other Events, the ISCC Under 19 Super-Cricket World Cup and the ISCC Trophy and Ansar Trophy etc., hopefully would be occupied a more significant place among them, it could promotes the harmonious development of a peaceful world.
The goal of the ISCC is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through super-cricket game practised without discrimination of any kind and in the spirit of the game, which requires mutual understanding with a sprit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.
The practice of game is a human right. Every individual must have the responsibility of practising sport in accordance with his or her needs.
The ISCC will have in view that national super-cricket federations (NSCFs) (inter alia, the International Super-Cricket Committee, and other ISCC related committees and other organisations at all levels) develop partnership with all sectors, public and private, and all groups concerned, including inter-governmental, non-governmental, and local environmental and community groups, many of which can provide valuable input and expertise.
The environmental awareness and concern, as well as environmentally sound practices, be encouraged among super-cricket participants and used generally to contribute to increasing public awareness and promoting environmentally friendly behaviour and practices;
That Continental and National Super-Cricket Federations (NSCFs) develop environmental policies and guidelines, as well as health and environmental recommendations and criteria, applying into super-cricket events and facilities. Such policies and guidelines, recommendations and criteria, should be applicable to all levels of activities and broadly disseminated;
That Continental and National Super-Cricket Federations (NSCFs) give due consideration to the appropriateness of the scale and technical requirements for game facility and events, in order to avoid economically and environmentally unsustainable development;
That ISCC Super-Cricket World Cup, the ISCC Champions Trophy, ISCC Women World Cup and other Events, the ISCC Under 19 Super-Cricket World Cup and the ISCC Trophy and Ansar Trophy etc., and of other events lend priority to the use of existing facilities and where there would be little or no after-use for a necessary facility or capacity, that they consider temporary arrangements, bearing in mind that new facilities should be designed and built with a view to achieving a high level of environmental efficiency, and to providing a long-term, multi-purpose and useful legacy for the community;
That Continental and National Super-Cricket Federations (NSCFs) develop methods for the satisfactory resolution of conflicts between environmental requirements and economic and /or technical requirements;
That the ISCC be urged to further encourage the organisation of Sport and environment days" and "Clean-up days" and to assist Continental and National Super-Cricket Federations (NSCFs) in conducting such days, as well as other environmental activities for the purpose of promoting education and awareness;
That Continental and National Super-Cricket Federations (NSCFs) cleanly communicate their goals, initiatives, successes (including in the area of best practices) and failures, and that they disseminate these, both internally and externally, particularly through the media.
That the ISCC is the supreme authority of the Super-Cricket Game. Any person or organisation belonging in any capacity whatsoever to the ISCC is bounded by the provisions of the ISCC & INOC-Charter and shall abide by the decisions of the ISCC & INOC-Charter .
The role of the International Super-Cricket Committee-ISCC is to lead the promotion of super-cricket game in accordance with the ISCC & INOC-Charter.
ISCC Structure:-
The ISCC includes the Continental Bodies and National Super-Cricket Federations, and the other related sub-committees, clubs, and persons belonging to them, particularly the players/judges/referees, coaches and the other technicians. It also includes other organisations and institutions as recognised by the ISCC.
Any form of discrimination with regard to a country or a person on grounds of race, religion, politics, sex, or otherwise is incompatible with belonging to the ISCC.
In order to promote the ISCC throughout the world, the ISCC may recognise National Super-Cricket Federations and sub-committees and organisations the activity of which is linked to its role. They must be established in accordance with the ISCC & INOC-Charter, and their status must be approved by the ISCC. The ISCC may recognise sub-committees of National Super-Cricket Federations (NSCFs) formed at national or continental level.
The recognition of sub-committees of continetal bodies or NSCFs does not in any way affect the right of each continentals bodies and of each NSCF to deal directly with the ISCC and vice versa.
The ISCC may recognise non-governmental organisations connected with super-cricket, operating on an national and international level, the status and activities of which are in conformity with the ISCC & NOC-Charter.
The ISCC may withdraw, with immediate effect, its recognition from continental bodies, NSCFs, and other sub-committees and organisations.
The National Super-Cricket Federations (NSCFs)
The ISCC is completely in favour of the establishment of good relations and even of close links between the National Super-Cricket Federations and governments, We stipulate only one condition: respect for our independence.
The National Super-Cricket Federations propagate the fundamental principles of super-cricket at national level within the framework of super-cricket activity and otherwise contribute, among other things, to the diffusion of game in the teaching programme of physical education and super-cricket game in schools and university establishments.
They see to the creation of institutions which devote themselves to super-cricket education. In particular, they concern themselves with the establishment and activities of National Super-Cricket Academies, Super-Cricket Museums and cultural programmes related to the ISCC.
These federations ensure the observation of the ISCC in their countries, encourage the development of high performance game as well as sport for all and help in the training of sport administrators by organising courses.
The National Super-Cricket Federations commit themselves to taking action against any form of discrimination and violence in game, and against the use of substances and procedures prohibited by the International Non-Olympic Committee, in particular by approaching the competent authorities of their countries so that all medical controls can performed in opinion condition.
The National Super-Cricket Federations have the exclusive powers for the representation of their respective countries at the ISCC Super-Cricket World Cup, the ISCC Champions Trophy, ISCC Women World Cup and other Events, the ISCC Under 19 Super-Cricket World Cup and the ISCC Trophy and Ansar Trophy etc., and at the regional, continental competitions patronised by the International Super-Cricket Committee-ISCC.
The National Super-Cricket Federations must work to maintain harmonious and co-operative relations with appropriate governmental bodies; they must also contribute effectively to the establishment of programmes for the promotion of super-cricket at all levels. As super-cricket game contributes to education, health, the economy and social order, it is desirable for the National Super-Cricket Federations to enjoy the support of the public authorities in achieving their objectives.
Nevertheless, the National Super-Cricket Federations shall preserve their autonomy and resist all pressures of any kind, including those of a political, religious or economic nature, that may prevent them from complying with the ISCC.
In their composition, National Super-Cricket Federations must include members of the International Super-Cricket Committee-ISCC, NNOC and INOC in their countries.
The ISCC keeps in touch will entire world, sports personalities and players in all the countries of the world and helps them to start formation of the National Super-Cricket Federations (NSCFs) in their own countries by these effects the "Indian Super-Cricket Federation have already been formed and Italy, Gambia, Somalia, Iran, Kenya and Pakistan are under process to form their National Super-Cricket Federations, and end of the December-2005, at least (50) fifty national-chapters "National Super-Cricket Federations" will be created in all over the world.
Many sports colleagues have passed their views through the telephonic conversation, letters, faxes also e-mails to the ISCC Office that they want to extend all kind of help, support and to the best possible efforts to the ISCC's Mission. The ISCC would be gear-up in full swing, so at that time, the money, status and position will be in hand of the super-cricket game and all non-olympic family like as other. We are fighting against irregularities and ignorance of the non-olympic sports and its family, and the ISCC will get success and would like to achieve our target what the INOC has fixed-up from the day of its creation.
........................views from Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI - First Founder Member & Global Chairman-International Super-Cricket Committee (ISCC)
The ISCC Chairman views is also a guidelines for all members of ISCC